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And It Is Done.


It’s been almost 2 weeks since I ran the Chicago Marathon. Mentally and physically I think I am still recovering. It was a whirlwind 36 hours in Chicago let me tell you. The weekend didn’t quite go as I had planned. There was that minor mishap when one of the engines in the plane went out so we had to make an emergency landing in Cincinnati. Then after a series of events with the airline that were almost comical by the end, I finally got on another plane 6 hours later. Unfortunately I missed the race expo and even more importantly my much awaited hang out time with one of my best friends and training partner Jenni. By 6:30 I made it into the city along with my friend Amanda who also happens to be the best race supporter/manager of time and all details/cheerer EVER! I am so thankful she was with me. She loves crazy and fit perfectly in with the craziness of weekend.

Race morning started VERY early, after little to none sleep. But I was ready! Ready to go and do this race that I had trained so hard for. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect. Clear skies, cool weather. After only seeing 80 degrees and higher in Florida I was freezing but loved it! I was so thankful to have Jenni by my side at the start. We decided to do the race together (well I may have pushed a little hard to get her to say yes). And now we there, together. After some long months of training, some (a lot) of complaining, doubts, prayers, encouraging one another, pulling and pushing each other. It was an amazing feeling. I was beyond proud of my friend and what she was about to experience and accomplish.


I had an amazing race. It was by far my favorite of the 4 marathons I’ve done. And it just so happened to be my best race at 4:05! I felt strong the entire race. I enjoyed the race. Honestly, I had fun. I was amazed at the crowds of people that lined the streets the ENTIRE 26.2 miles. I didn’t know a single person out there and only ended up seeing Amanda and Jenni’s family one time at mile 2 but I never felt alone. I had my name on my shirt and heard my name at least 500 times. They looked me in the eye and cheered for me like we were long lost friends.  I got high fives from kids, firemen, a policeman, a nun, a priest, men and women of all ages, race and religion. Our differences didn’t matter on the morning of the race. 45,000 runners and 1.7 million spectators were brought together in the cause of people choosing to do something hard and others wanting to support them in their choice. It was beautiful. I smiled more during that race than any other with encouragement of complete strangers who became friends as I passed them and with the reminders of WHY I was running- Team World Vision and my Grandma.

My training for this marathon was harder than any other. Getting TO the race was hard. Being there without family was hard. But all of that paled in comparison to the race experience I had. I am thankful. It was all worth it.

Thank you to Brian and the kids for their support and encouragement along the way. Thank you to everyone who supported me in this race by donating to Team World Vision. Lives were changed because you said yes. Thank you for joining me. Together we made a difference.


For Gram.


In 3 days I will be running the Chicago Marathon! I am so ready to do this race! As you probably know throughout my training I have been raising money for Team World Vision. It’s a special organization with an amazing cause. (I still have $400 to reach my goal of $1310 if you want to give) Having a cause above and beyond myself has been super motivating for me. This weekend I will be running for Team World Vision but I will also be running in honor of my Grandma.

Last week my Grandma lost a hard fought 10 year battle to cancer. She was very much the traditional matriarch of our family. The center of it all, influencing us in great ways. I am grateful for the impact she had on me and miss her dearly. I will be wearing my LIVESTRONG bracelet on race day and taking her with me. Coincidentally my brother, Brent is competing in the Ironman World Championships in Kona on Saturday. He too will racing in honor of our grandma and wearing a bracelet.

Grandma was never a complainer but a fighter till the very end. Brent and I will be fighting this weekend to finish strong just like her.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us! Hebrews 12:1


Can I get a high five up in here?

Screen shot 2013-03-14 at 1.51.17 PMI’m 13 days away from the starting line of Chicago Marathon. As you all know I am partnering with Team World Vision in the race and raising money for clean water. What a privilege it has been to spread the world about such an amazing organization that is literally changing lives all over the world! I am just over halfway in my goal of $1310! Thank you to those who have already joined my team. You are coming with me to Chicago in my heart!

More than anything I would love to have you all there along the course to give a me real high fives, a shout of encouragement as I get closer to that finish line. I’m in need of some high fives right about now! You can’t be there on October 13 to give me a high five but how about a high five in the form of $5 to get that much closer to 100%. $5 may not seem like a lot but if I get a bunch of high fives well then that would be pretty awesome!

So can I get a high five up in here?

To join me in changing lives click HERE!


Be the Light.


When there is darkness all around remember what you were called to. Set aside the lies, the negative thoughts, the doubts and fears. Draw near to the one True Light and let Him shine through you. You may be the only light that someone sees today. He is enough. His amazing grace will carry you today. 

You know when…

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So we’ve moved. We all know this. And I haven’t been too shy to say that our transition has been a little rough going. A lot of change, all at once. I’m not surprised by the difficulty. I know how the transition process works because this is isn’t our first time around the block. We know it comes in waves, the good and bad. You think you got a a slight handle on life and then something happens and you are flat on your face again. Realizing, not so much sister!

It’s the up and down process that is exhausting. Not knowing what each day will bring. Balancing my own crazy stuff with the 4 other people in my life. Each night Brian and I look at each other with a look and a nod (because we have no energy to speak words). We made it another day.

I had to laugh at myself today because I needed to get the oil changed in our car. I used my new best friend Google Maps (still getting lost by the way, but not as much!) and found a Jiffy Lube. That is where we went in Indiana and they were awesome. I am a loyal person so that’s where I found myself this morning. I was greeted with a smile, my car door opened for me and such kind words from the greasy hand mechanic. Every single employee made me smile, spoke genuinely and really made me feel good. I texted Brian and told him I was going to hang out at Jiffy Lube for the day because they were the nicest people I’ve met in Florida! Hmmmm? Reality check once again, I may be having a hard time adjusting if I want to hang out at the Jiffy Lube with strangers.

Well it is what is. It’s hard. But we’re making it. Whether we have good days or bad days or find ourselves sitting at Jiffy Lube considering the career option of being a mechanic. I am thankful. Our family has grown so much through this. And really I wouldn’t trade it for what I’ve seen come out of transition.

So we press on. In the present, the here and the now. 

Be on your guard;
stand firm in faith.
Be of courage, be strong!
1 Corinthians 16:13

Side note: We have met a few nice people here in Florida that have graciously opened up their lives to us. And for that we are very grateful.

And seriously, if you need an oil change Jiffy Lube is the place. They literally rolled out the red carpet for me to get back into my car when it was time to leave. Me and my loyal self will go nowhere else.

It’s a Matter of Perspective.


No matter where God has you, whether you love it or hate it you are there for a reason. Maybe it’s not the job you want, the house you want, the stage of life you love or the state you so desire. That makes no difference. God can use you right where you are. Be bold, have faith and look for opportunities. He will not disappoint.

Go on with your bad self.

Bloom where you are planted. 



Training. It’s hard. No way around it. Whether it’s your 1st or 4th marathon it’s hard. This is my 4th marathon so I knew what I was getting into. Not sure if that is a positive or negative. But it doesn’t change the fact that training is hard.

I am in the thick of training. Right in the middle where I’ve gone too far to stop but I’m not quite far enough to think “Hey, I am almost there!”. So here I am, with early morning runs in the dark. Alarms set waaaaay too early. The number 4 should just not be seen when setting your alarm. But sometimes it just has to be. The miles just keep going up, the muscles are sore and tired and my toenails are already wanting to pop off. Why?!? No worries non-runners, this is a normal happening it just doesn’t usually happen this early. I’m new to Florida and thankful that I have adjusted fairly well to the humidity and heat. Still, the amount of sweat really quite a scene! So I am trying to figure out how much fluid to intake and what nutrition differences I need make to not be found along side the road in the fetal position.

So why I am doing all this you may ask? Well besides the crazy fact that I do love running even when it comes to this madness I speak of I am also running the Chicago Marathon for a great purpose beyond myself. Team World Vision.

I am running for the moms like me who want to provide for their children so they walk miles a day to get water, that isn’t even clean.

I am running for the kids who are the same age as my kids that walk all day long to bring water back for their family. This is the same water they bathe in, cook with and wash their clothes in. 

I am running so kids can go to school and get an education rather than walking for water. 

Did you know more people have cell phones than have access to toilets? This just doesn’t seem right to me. I want to be a part of changing this.I want to make a difference. I don’t want to stand by knowing this is going on and not do anything. I am running this marathon with a goal to raise $1310. That’s $50 per mile.

$50 give clean water to one person for life.

I’m not asking you to run a marathon with me but I am asking you join me in the way of sponsoring me one of those 26 miles. I will run that mile in honor of you for one changed life.

Will you join me and change a life?

Will you make a tax-deductible donation to support my efforts?

Go HERE to my personal page and donate. It will be a privilege to have you join me!

Running for water.

A couple weeks ago I told you here I was training for my 4th marathon. For this marathon I am running with Team World Vision. I am raising money for clean water. Tomorrow I am excited to tell you how my training is going and why I am so empowered to run in this lovely Florida humidity.  I would love for you to join me in my efforts to raise $1310, that’s $50 per mile for clean water. $50 will give clean water to a person FOR LIFE. More about this tomorrow.

For now I will leave you with this.

Want to give? Click here to my personal page!

My peeps are out.


First day of school. First day of kindergarten for the girls. First day at a new school, in a new town with new teachers and kids. First day for this mama here to be on her own in the last 8 years.

Insert heart explosion here.

So many emotions. Nervous and excited. Scared and giddy. All at once.

I look around at this empty, quiet house. What am I going to do?!? My three little peeps are out of here. They are doing their own thing and now it’s time for me to find out what that means for me. It’s kind of surreal.

All these years of scheduling play dates, doing library time, meeting fellow moms at the park and having lazy mornings if we liked are over. Now it’s the real deal.

Yes, my heart is aching right now but I am also so excited for this next chapter in our family. Sure it is A LOT of change all at once and if I had my way I probably would not have ordered it in this way but so it is and here we are.

I am reminded of this: God’s timing is perfect. He makes no mistake. He is with me now as I gather my thoughts and figure out what is next. He is with the kids now as they bravely step into their new worlds. I could not be more proud of them!

As Brian and I came home from taking the kids to school and walked into a very quiet house he said:

“Well, welcome to your new life!”

So here we go..time to put the big girl pants on and do this!

May the joy of the Lord be your (and my) strength today! Nehemiah 8:10