Author: Aubrey

A friday thought.

{image source} Love this. Taking the opportunity to grow in each and every situation we are put in, no matter what. I want to look back and say “Yes, I grew stronger because of that.” God makes no mistakes. So embrace it. You may just surprise yourself after all.  

Just love ’em.

Through this whole transition my heart has been burdened for our three sweet, little people. My head cannot wrap itself around all that is going on. I can’t imagine what their brains are doing. Well I do have an idea that it’s overwhelming for them. I see it come out in some fun (not really) […]

Life in Florida

Two weeks ago today our family moved to Florida from Indiana. Life is very different here in Florida. There have been some very welcomed differences and others…well, it will take some time getting used to others. Here is a little bit about our new life. Geckos of all sizes everywhere outside and yes, a couple […]

When Chaos Abounds.

Piles of stuff fill our house. Piles for a possible moving sale if I really get my action together, piles for Goodwill, piles to pack and piles for this person and that person that I’ve been meaning to give them like 7 months ago. There are boxes stacking higher as the days go by and […]

Right Now

  Do you know the story of Esther in the Bible? It’s one of my faves. If you are not familiar with this story, do yourself a favor and take some time to read it. It’s short but man is it good! Love it. Esther was a woman of beauty, inside and out. A woman […]

And Here We Go

I’ve been kind of quiet here on the blog for a couple of months. I’ve eluded to the fact that as a family we’ve had a lot going on and I felt the need to be more present with them and less here with you all. It’s been a process let me tell you, and […]

Why I run…

photo credit:  Why do you run? I get asked this question quite often. I have lots of reasons why… I am sharing over on the HelloMornings blog this morning about why I run and how you can get started too! Come over and check it out!

The Haps.

The Haps aka The Happenings of the Barela Family In no specific order of importance just how they popped into my head. We are T-minus 2The  days and counting (loudly) days left in school. Mason is SO excited to be done! Our prayer for the last several weeks before he runs to the bus is […]