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And Here We Go

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I’ve been kind of quiet here on the blog for a couple of months. I’ve eluded to the fact that as a family we’ve had a lot going on and I felt the need to be more present with them and less here with you all. It’s been a process let me tell you, and I would love to share with you all what’s been going on.

For the past 11 years we have been on staff with Cru. Cru holds a special place in our hearts and always will. It’s through Cru that Brian and I met in Ocean City. We have had the privilege to lead staff and students at UCLA, Chico State and in the Keynote ministry. We have grown individually, as a couple and a family because of our ministry in Cru. We’ve made life long friends, seen student’s lives completely change and have seen God provide in amazing ways for our family. What an adventure it has been! Over the past year or so we have felt God moving us in a different direction, away from full time ministry. We’ve done a lot of praying, seeking wise council, more praying and a lot of hard work and preparation to confidently take the next step for our family. And so we said goodbye to “staff life” in April. Our goal was to not move from Indy but God had other plans. Through a series of events with lots of ups and down and twists and turns (seriously most days I was dizzy, because our plan change so quickly) Brian took a job at a great marketing agency, Levatas in Palm Beach, Florida. Say whaaaaaaaaa?!? Yes, you read correctly, we are moving to Palm Beach. Sure, there could be harder places to be relocated but this transition is very bittersweet. But…

When you aren’t looking to make a move and then God opens a wide door with an amazing job and sells your house in 12 hours for exactly what you asked for and answers many other prayers requests to clearly show you this is IT you can’t deny His plan.

It’s happening quickly, we will be moving in 3 short weeks. I have yet to see what will be our new town yet (may or may not get there before we actually move), we don’t have a new home yet but working on it and there are a million details to work out from now until then but with all that said I do know this is what is next. I can hear it my husbands voice. I hear the peace, the assurance and even the excitement. I trust him and where he is leading our family. In our marriage we have made a commitment to not say no to God in order to keep a comfortable life.  I have to believe that if God is pulling us from a place that we love dearly and had no intention of leaving that he has a great plan and purpose for us in Palm Beach. This is the truth I am holding fast to when my heart aches already thinking about leaving what has quickly become a home in a short 2 1/2 years. His plan and purpose for me and our family is far greater than anything I could ever imagine. I am choosing to go with His plan even when it hurts. Yes, we’ve done this before so I know it will hard but I also know we will be just fine. And if all else fails I’ll just go for a run on the beach! Who am I kidding, I am going to be doing that no matter what!

We appreciate your prayers for our family as we navigate yet another transition. Lots more to come on this as it all fall into place!

***The picture above is a little project I did with the kids. Around Indiana we wrote how we are feeling. There are lots of feelings these days. Over Florida we wrote things we are trusting God for. I love that “beach toys” made that list. Yes, we are trusting God for big and small things. Together we are memorizing Joshua 1:9, remembering that He is with us wherever we go.

Filed under: life


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Wow! Congratulations! What a big move too! Most of my family lives down in Florida, around Tampa. I love it down there! Good luck with your move. We will be praying for you!

  2. Samantha says

    Wow… that’s a lot of open doors and confirmation! Congratulations on this next chapter!

  3. Wowza!! This is amazing! And exciting!! So proud of your for not only having faith, but for living and breathing it too! Can’t wait to chat this week! :)

  4. Stacey Thacket says

    Excited for you! And hey, that is oh so much closer to my house! I have made that move, and I think you will love it!


  5. Susan Smith Ekle says

    That sounds exciting Aubrey! Palm Beach seems to be the place to be! We have a few friends who have moved there from Tampa and love it. My husband also works there at times and he would love to move there too. Your family and your ideas are all so cute! I love hearing all of your wise words! Susan

  6. Moving is hard, even when you know it’s what you’re supposed to do. I’m happy for you that things are so clear, and all the details are working out well (seriously – your house sold in 12 hours for your asking price?!? – that’s fantastic!)

    Praying for you all as you wrap things up in Indiana and begin the new adventure. And I’ll miss seeing you at various events around here!

  7. WOW! so excited for your family. Thanks for sharing the process, your call and your obedience to the Lord.

  8. LOVE your family. It is so exciting to see what the Lord will do with your five willing hearts! Praying for ya, sister!

  9. cassi werner says

    your tenderness to all God wants for you is beautiful! excited for you in this next phase of your journey!

  10. So excited for you guys! Praying for your all of you as you take this big step! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you in Palm Beach! Love you Aubs! Hope to catch up once you’re settled.

  11. I think the state-to-state poster is brilliant. I’m going to steal your idea when it’s our turn. And as a former Cru girl with lots of friends still on staff, I’m so happy for your family that you’ll have no major gaps between leaving and finding a job. What a blessing.

  12. Who says its only military that goes through crazy quick moves!! Praying for u so much.

  13. Unchong says

    Whoa Aubrey! I had no idea! Sounds exciting and stretching and scary all at once. Palm Beach?! Praying & hoping for the best for you and Brian & your sweeties.

  14. I know, right?! Yes, lots of emotions but taking it one day at a time. Thanks for your prayers. We’ll keep you updated!

  15. Seriously! I’m thankful I have you to listen to and remind me I will be ok!

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