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coming soon…

grace for the good girl by emily p. freeman
I am not a reader. I would like to be but I just don’t take/make time for it. But there are so many books I would like to read. Rarely, though do I actually get to a place where I make that happen. There is one book coming out September 1 that I know I will make time for and that is Grace for the Good Girl by Emily Freeman. I’ve followed Emily’s blog and twitter for awhile now and have been anxiously awaiting for her book. I really enjoy and appreciate her style of writing and her vulnerability and realness as she welcomes you in. To hear her talk about her new book check out the following link. And please join me in reading Grace for the Good Girl.

Filed under: Uncategorized


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. You will love it! I will most likely feature it in September for “Grace Notes” every Tuesday. That is the plan anyway!

  2. How kind! I can’t tell you what a delight it is to hear that a non-reader wants to read my book. I hope very much that it is a blessing to you, and thanks so much for sharing it here.

  3. That’s a great idea. I’ll be checking in. I’ve been thinking about some of the things we talked about as far as getting on a routine. Still working on it. Really appreciate your insight.

  4. YES! I’m in! I’m not much of a reader, either but like you, I want to be. This book definitely sounds like it’s something I need to read. Thanks, Aubs!

  5. Great! When it comes out and once we both get it. Maybe we can chat about it! Hope you are all doing well!

  6. Pingback: Grace for the Good girl. | The Barela Family

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