All posts filed under: blog


There is still so much swirling and whirling around my my head from my weekend at Allume. Lots to think about and process. I will fill you all in as the time comes. But as for now lets just say how awesome it was to travel and have by my side my dear friend Jenni. […]

come and sit with me.

Well here we are again for week 2 of my first official book club. It’s not really mine I am jumping on the bandwagon with hundreds of other women who are reading Grace for the Good Girl by Emily Freeman. Every Thursday Emily is posting her own thoughts about her book on her blog Chatting […]

time out.

Photo credit At our house we have a time out chair. And it gets used pretty often. More often than not the chair is not used for discipline but to give the person a break because their actions are showing they need it. They are overwhelmed, not thinking straight resulting in not making the best […]

in(RL) aka in real life.

This weekend I attended an in(RL) meet up organized through (in)courage. And. It. Was. Awesome. I’ve “met” a lot of people online via my blog, twitter, facebook and instagram. I know there are skeptics out there and truth be told I used to be one of those but I have made friends through social media. […]

our song.

Our girls were born 6 weeks early. In twin terms that isn’t too bad. Still, between the two of them we had over 5 weeks in the hospital. Theia was transferred to a NICU just hours after she was born because of respiratory distress. She took an hour an half ambulance ride without us, until […]

Organize yo self!

Feeling a little scattered? Overcome by the piles, the clutter, the STUFF? I know I have these feelings at times. Well I may have a fix for you. My BFF Amie is hosting a give away on her blog from the organizing guru Krista Colvin Organize the Whole Shebang!  Got to Amie’s blog and leave […]

a quick word or two or more about 2011

So here it is the last day of 2011. There has been much learned and gained this year. Some loss, some hard, lots of grace and love. There have been twists and turns that I didn’t expect. Overall and foremost there is much to be thankful for. And that includes you. Thanks for checking in […]

Savoring the Livng Water release!

Have you ever wanted to know how to have a better quiet time? How to go deeper? Apply your time with the Lord to your everyday life. Maybe you’ve been a Christian for a long time and your quiet times are getting a little stale and you need a little refresher. Maybe you have no […]