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Tick …Tock …Tick …Tock

This week we have implemented 2 new items in the Barela home…timers. One for Mason’s room and one for Kaia and Theia’s room. There are several reasons that led me to OSH where I purchased my 2 new best friends. Mason no longer takes naps but now has alone time in his room. Up until now the term “alone” time was held very loosely. He attempted to do this but came out at least 15 times in his 45 min time for whatever reason. Setting the timer and hearing it ring at the end gives him a goal and a great sense of accomplishment when he succeeds. Another reason is Miss T is in the height of separation anxiety. Screams her little head off and is pretty much inconsolable by anyone but MOMMMMMYYYY!!!! That is what I hear coming from the church nursery or during Mason’s preschool when I am not right with her. This past week I had both girls with me during my 2 hour mom’s Bible study because they wouldn’t stay in their class. Miss K is fine but once I take Theia away then she is unhappy, so it’s a 2 for 1 deal:) I’m hoping instilling some time away from me at home will help Theia when we are other places. I also want to teach the girls how to play by themselves, not with me or with each other, at an early age. Or at least earlier than I did with Mason. In the late afternoon when everyone is a little crazy I set the timer for 15 min. The girls go in to their beds with some toys and books and Mason sits at the kitchen table “book time”. This teaches Mason how to sit and read/look at a books quietly. Hopefully it will increase his love for books even more and when we are in a place (doctor/church/dentist etc) when he needs to sit quietly he knows how to do this. I’m hoping to gradually increase these time increments and eventually give the girls “book time” as well.

We’ll see, it’s only week one and this is all best case scenario. But Mason is doing better with his alone time and does an excellent job with book time. The girls pretty much scream for me the entire 15 minutes. But as for me…I LOVE IT!

Filed under: Uncategorized


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. julaintexas says

    great idea. I like it.

    You could try to sit in the girls’ room with them while they’re having QT in their bed. You doing your thing, reading or something. Then slowly wean them away from you sitting in there as they get used to the idea.

    But hey, if you’re cool with them whining while they’re in there…..I’m sure eventually they’ll get used to it.

    I”m in total blog fog. I have no interest in posting. :(

  2. Aubrey says

    I’m totally cool with them crying. I like my 15 min. (hopefully longer soon) of alone time.
    How was E’s bday? There’s a blog post for ya:)

  3. Pingback: It’s working!

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