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…Running…it’s my thing…

I’m a runner. I love it. It’s my thing.

I got up early before the rest of the house awoke and made a break for it. The days have been filled with rain, but this morning it had stopped for a moment so I took my chance. Thirty seconds into my run it started sprinkling…then raining…then pouring. I just kept going. It felt so good. Running clears my head. I’ve had some of my best thoughts while running, best conversations with God, best prayers for myself and others. And I also think this is where God meets me, I listen, I confess, He speaks truth, He forgives, He reveals Himself to me in ways I wouldn’t see if I didn’t have my running shoes on. Some of my best ideas for crafts, recipes, party planning, blogs posts have come while running. I’m not a great runner but not a bad one either. Just your average runner I would say. I do some races here and there. I would like to say I “train” for them but I really don’t. Most times I just go out do what I do. Usually depends on how much time I have and what else is going on in my life. On race days the competive side of me comes alive and I race like I have been training for this race all my life. I always sprint at the end because you have to finish strong even if you are dying inside, and because that is what my Dad (my coach) has always told me. Running gives me peace, keeps me strong physically and emotionally, allows me to eat whatever I want and gives me a place to just let go and be me.

I’m a runner. I love it. It’s my thing.

Filed under: Uncategorized


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. julaintexas says

    sweet aubs. i still wish running was my thing, such a low expense. and had to chuckle…..beau says he runs so he can have desserts!

  2. That a girl! I am proud of you and yes running in the rain is the best!

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