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The happenings

Again, I go with the bullet list style because it’s just the easiest.

  • Last week we enjoyed an early Christmas with Brian’s parents over Skype since we will not see them over the holidays. Even though being altogether would have been the best, it was still special. I know they like seeing the kids faces as they opened Star Wars ships, a globe, Dora back packs, purses and miniature cleaning supplies. Within seconds our playroom was filled with wrapping paper and bow, screams of delight and excitement. We are thankful for loving grandparents for our kids. We’ve been enjoying the toys in the days before we leave. I am slowly learning the ins and outs of Star Wars. Mason is quick to teach me:)
  • We are experiencing record lows here in Nor Cal. This morning we woke up to 25 degrees! Brrrr! But at the same time kind of fun for this time of year and it makes me that much more excited for Ohio weather.
  • The last month or so it seems I have done something everyday to prepare for our upcoming trip. Now all is left is to actually get the suitcases out and put our clothes in them. Wow. What a production preparing for a 5 week trip for a family of 5 at Christmas time. So worth it though.
  • Something funny the girls are into now is snuggling up with a pillow and blanket and watching TV. It’s funny to watch them as they choose their blankets, and then change their minds and switch. Or fight as one chose a blanket the other wanted. The pillows have to be just right and they must be covered up just so. They may lay there for all of 30 seconds before they are up doing it all over again or off to something else. It’s amusing, yes. But when you’re the one that is trying to get the pillow just right and you’re not doing it to their standards…watch out!
  • This year I was going back and forth whether I wanted to make little gifts for neighbors and friends like we usually do since we are leaving so early. I was almost ready to nix it when my friend gave me the idea of making honey butter. Oh wow! It was so easy, it’s so good and the best part is I got to use my new mixer! One evening last week I enjoyed a quiet house to myself as everyone slept and I listened to Christmas music and made 12 pretty little jars filled with this delicousness. I’m so happy I decided to share this sweet treat. We really are blessed with wonderful friends and neighbors!

Well friends that is it for now. I’m off to make some piles to soon put in suitcases!

Filed under: Uncategorized


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.

1 Comment

  1. julaintexas says

    those look beautiful aubs!!!

    job well done homemaker.

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