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my girls.

Protesting a walk on the trail lol!This picture was taken after a fun family night of pizza and ice cream. We wanted to take a walk afterwards on the trail and enjoy the beautiful evening just a little longer. The girls were having nothing to do with it. They stood firm and held their ground. It was a frustrating moment. I’m so glad Brian caught it on film.

As much as my girls smile and giggle, twirl and dance with joy and cover me with their kisses and hugs…I see these faces all too often. This picture really captures a day to day experience. These girls are strong willed and test their momma to no end at times. But I am reminded that with guidance, encouragement and much prayer on my part I can direct these little independent souls to do great things! They will be leaders among their classmates and friends. They will be the ones that others will look to as a source of strength and dependence. They will be the ones who won’t be persuaded into making choices that aren’t right. They will stand their ground for what is honoring and pleasing to the Lord. They will choose to walk the narrow path when others aren’t.They will be a light among many.

These are things I pray over my girls. Along with much patience and wisdom for me as I fight to keep them heading in the right direction.

I remind myself in the midst of it all it is so worth it! They are worth it!

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I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Jen Morgan says

    I love this picture on so many levels! I raised a very strong independent little girl and I could not be more proud of the strong woman she is today. But, wow, the day to day stuff is very exhausting. Talk about delayed gratification!! :)

  2. Hey Brad that was a great story and some much needed encouragement and insight. thanks!

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