living it out loud
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Living it OUT LOUD!

(photo credit)

Today is my first post in a new series I’m starting called Living it OUT LOUD! It’s all about shining the light on someone who I think is living His love out loud in their day to day life. I hope to spread some encouragement to them and you as the reader.

So here we go!

Ten years ago we met when we were both newlyweds, her 6 weeks newly married and me 9 months. There was an instant connection and friendship that formed between Kyra and I that has only grown stronger over the years. There are now 7 kids between us, many shared experiences that have challenged and grown us, including the San Fransisco Nike Women’s marathon. That’s right, people this woman is a fellow marathoner! Hard core. Through all that we have experienced together and individually she has kept on with grace and a faith that is attractive and encouraging. You just want to be around her!

Kyra blogs at Chatterbox Corner about her eventful life with triplets (that’s right, I told you she is hard core!) and their new 3 month old. She shares what she is learning, what she is passionate about and how she can’t do it on her own. One thing that is true of Kyra is that she is a woman of the Word and she daily tries to apply to her everyday life as she serves her family. There is much to be learned and enjoyed on her blog. So I invite you all to meet one of my closest friends Kyra. Don’t be shy, leave a comment. She’ll be sure to write you back. You may just find yourself a new friend as well!

Filed under: living it out loud


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.

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