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The kids and I were eating dinner the other night and Mase was chewing his food with his chin to his chest, looking down at this place (I don’t know why he was doing this, not the point). I looked over and saw Theia watching him and then do the same thing. She had her chin down with her eyes glancing over at her brother making sure she was doing it right. I pointed out to Mason that Theia was watching him and copying his actions. I thought how cute, Theia was following what Mason was doing, not knowing what or why he was doing what he was doing. She still wanted to be like her brother.

Later that night I was putting the girls to bed. Their new thing is wearing socks to bed. It’s a big production. I can’t just pick any socks out for them to wear, they have to make own decision, putting much thought and consideration into it. This could be considered cute but at the end of the day when Mommy is done, cute is not the word that comes to mind. Anyways, Mason was in the room watching them and then I noticed he left without a word. I put the girls to bed and headed into Mason’s room to tuck him in . As I was covering him up I noticed he had put socks on. Now he doesn’t normally wear socks but for whatever reason he wanted to copy his sisters. He wanted to be like his sisters.

These instances got me thinking how my kids are always watching something. Whether it be each other, me or other influences they are always watching and drinking in how to act, talk and do. What examples am I giving them? If I am their number one source of input am I being the example I want them to follow? Well, I would like to say yes, all the time! But that would be a lie. I act and react in ways I don’t want them to copy. At times I have an attitude that I discipline them for having and I do things that I wouldn’t want them to do. Frustrating, yes. But that is where grace comes in. I know the only way I can come close to being the example I want them to see is if my number one source is Jesus. My desire and prayer is to love and know Jesus more than anything else.

If my kids are going to be a copycat of me, then I want to be a copycat of Jesus, ultimately bringing them to copying Jesus themselves.

Who do you copycat?

Who is watching you?

Filed under: Uncategorized


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.

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