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afraid of the quiet.


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I am thankful to say that I am in the habit of reading my Bible each morning and taking time to pray. Most mornings I really look forward to my times with God. It’s my time with the One who knows me and knows what my day beholds. I soak it in. One thing that has never come easy is

s  i  t  t  i  n  g   s  t  i  l  l.

To just sit before God and be still is hard for me. To listen intently for voice with out speaking is almost painful for me. It more or less goes something like this…

me talk talk talking

telling God I need this this and this.

I pray for this this and this.

Asking for this this and that.

Tell him this this and that.

And Oh God, aren’t you so excited for me?!?

And on with my day I go. I don’t doubt that He hears my prayers, my cries, my joys. I know he does. And He answers faithfully. But why can’t I just sit with him. And be still.

Why don’t I?

I’m scared. Silence makes me uncomfortable. I just want to keep moving. Keep doing.

But I hear him calling me to stop.

Be still.


Will I hear anything? Who knows. But I hear him now. So as scared as I am to be still before the One who loves me unconditionally, who knows me best, who lavishes his love on me over and over again, who is calling me to his side, I am going to do it. And goodness when I put it like that…why am I fumbling and stumbling to get there?

It’s just Him.

My redeemer and friend.

Linking up with:

Filed under: life


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Being still & listening…that is hard for me too. But sometimes the greatest blessings and most fruitful, best quiet times happen when I follow the “be still and know that I am God” path.

    Thank you for sharing a beautiful reflection.

    Hopped over from Write It, Girl.

  2. I’m the opposite, I could sit in the stillness for hours listening to Him speak to me through His Word, reading chapter after chapter, soaking it in, but I find it difficult to speak up and bare my soul, admit my struggles. Just as He calls you to be still, He nudges me to speak and to share my burdens. And I think…” why don’t I? It’s just Him. My redeemer and friend.” Perfectly stated for me today. Thank you.

  3. I think just like the habit of meeting Him daily, stillness is learned as well. I’m speaking as one who is still learning it. The only time I find that I can practice this, is early in the morning. The challenge for me — is throughout the day to be still when my world is in chaos. That is the really hard part!

  4. i think most of us struggle with the “stillness.” i too, think it’s a learned habit. and just as the habit of meeting with Him daily was learned, until we came to look forward to it and count on it … because He met us there, we felt Him there. it was more tangible somehow {than sitting still waiting}.

    i think when we start finding Him in the stillness … we look forward to that time too.

    {hopping over from write it girl … blessed to read your words this morning!}

  5. it’s funny…I go through seasons that I can’t sit still. Then there are other seasons that I can’t arise and do what it is that I have been taught in the stillness… whenever I find one a real struggle, I know I should prob. spend more time at, as I need it, just don’t want it :) I think it will always be an ebb like that, not wrong, just how life goes. Showing up, being intentional – that’s the part that’s in our control.

  6. Beautifully written, as always! I get “antsy” during quiet time too, almost as if the quiet is too loud? I hear ya, and thankful you heard Him in that quiet space :)

  7. I love the way you have so aptly described so many of my own quiet times. “Dear God, I need this, this, and this.” Hopefully, I’m growing in this area. I do love the stillness and quiet of the mornings. My time alone with Him, in His Word, is always the best part of my day. (I don’t know why I have gone through seasons where I considered it obligatory.)

    I believe this is my first time here. It’s so nice to “meet” you.

  8. This is so true! I have felt lately that twitter & my phone have been drawing we out of real communion with God during my “time with Him.” Just to sit in His presence & feel His love & not to try to get acceptance from others online…thats been my struggle lately.

  9. Beautiful post, and oh I am there with you, friend. It is so hard to just. sit. Thanks for sharing your heart!

  10. I struggle with being still as well. Sometimes I think it’s because of what I might hear. I am learning to sit and to trust that His Words bring only life, and I need not fear.

  11. eggs, bread, taco meat … oh no wait, God I’m here really. =) I don’t think Satan wants us to be still and focused.

    I was that way a lot until I started praying out loud. Verbally speaking to Him as if He was in the room (well, He is – but you know what I mean).

  12. Yes! that is it, I’m afraid of what I may hear. Thanks for the encouragement!

  13. I’ve done that before as well. And it does help. Yeah, I know what you mean:)

  14. I”m glad you said this. I too, feel the pressure or whatever it is to get acceptance from others online. It sucks me in so easily and then before I know it my time is up and I’ve only been on twitter! My prayer is to seek Him first!

  15. Thanks Denise for stopping by and your kind words. Nice to “meet” you too!

  16. Yep, showing up, being intentional. That’s what my prayer is. Thanks for stopping by Tara!

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