blog, inspiration
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in(RL) aka in real life.

This weekend I attended an in(RL) meet up organized through (in)courage.

And. It. Was. Awesome.

I’ve “met” a lot of people online via my blog, twitter, facebook and instagram. I know there are skeptics out there and truth be told I used to be one of those but I have made friends through social media. Real, true friends. Some of them have become really good friends who I share daily life with. They pray for me, encourage me and laugh with me through the daily happenings of being a mom. I got to meet some of those friends in real life on Saturday. It was so fun to see their faces and hear their voices for the first time but already kind of know them! Strange and fun all at the same time. There were 10 of us “mom bloggers” gathered together to meet, share our stories, encourage one another and learn from one another. I loved it. I could have sat there all day and just talked and listened. I was so energized by our meeting. I loved being with like minded people, sharing our passions and inspirations and dreaming together.

I am thankful for this opportunity to make new friends and excited to see what will come next!

Filed under: blog, inspiration


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Sarah James says

    I had SO much fun too! It really was weird and awesome all at the same time. :) I too was completely energized by our meet up. God is giving me a sort of “vision” through our meet up and I’m excited to see where He is going to take me because of it!!! We mentioned coffee sometime…let’s do it! We should, if nothing else, get it on our calendars so we don’t feel stupid asking again when too much time has passed.Tweet me…. :)

  2. it WAS great! fun to see faces, hear ideas, and just feel a sense of energy and excitement from everyone. so fun to sit next to you and learn a bit more about you.
    looking forward to a next time :-)
    have a great week!

  3. That’s so great you went to one. If they do it again next year I’d love to do it. I’d love to hear more of what it was like. What did the day look like you spent together?

  4. so proud of you! so awesome.. an answer to a prayer… that seemed like a dream of yours, not knowing what to even think about it. and look at what it is quickly turning into! social media envy!

  5. You know it was really casual. We just met for breakfast and talked. For not knowing each other, we had so much in common because of similar interests. It was really comfortable. There were videos to watch online but we didn’t do it because we were in the restaurant. I still want to go back and watch. It was all about the importance of community. It was cool to see it play it out in real life. Check it out next year!

  6. I really enjoyed getting to meet you as well. I am still just amazed how much I enjoyed it and how comfortable we all felt for just meeting each other. Hope to see you soon!

  7. Loved meeting you as well. I hope we all can see each other soon!

  8. I want to get together soon too. I want to hear about this vision your getting through our meet up! Because I’m just waiting to see where God leads next. I loved meeting you in real life and would love to get to know you more. I’ll tweet you:)

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