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5 on Friday

number 5

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1. This week I made zucchini bread using a Paula Dean recipe I found. Remember we have a couple zucchinis from the garden:) I took the liberty of adding Craisins and white chocolate chips. So good! And just the mere fact that it is a tasty treat that has a veggie in it makes you feel ok to have another slice…and another.

2. Next week I get to see one of my best friends and her family. We went to high school and college together. We talk at least once a week if not more, we know each others kids well, we do life together BUT… we haven’t seen each other in over 4 years! We each have had 2 children that the other hasn’t met, we each have moved several times and have had much to celebrate together and some trials and hardships to experience together. To say that I am excited to see this girl is an understatement. She is an amazing wife, mom and friend. To see why I love her so much check out a her blog Peekaboo.

3. Has anyone heard of Usborne books? Another one of my best friends just became a consultant for this awesome children’s book company. They have great illustrations, tons of topics for kids all ages. The library we have been visiting has a lot of their books and both the kids love them. I highly recommend checking these books out. I know I will definitely be ordering some books for the kids’ birthdays coming up. If you are interested in buying some, let me know I can direct you to my friend who would be happy to tell you more.

4. Have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey the financial guy? Brian and I have only heard wonderful things about his Financial Peace University. It’s a DVD series that helps in budgeting and being a good financial steward. Brian and I will be starting this on our own soon. We are looking forward to seeing what this is all about and the good things to come out of it.

5. I’ve been in a crafting slump lately. There is no creativity flowing anywhere in me. Probably due to life being a little crazy and out of sorts. But I miss it. One site I love to visit to get me motivated and those creative juices flowing is One Pretty Thing. It’s basically a round up of all the craftiness in the world blogging. So many good ideas! Where to start, where to start!

Filed under: Uncategorized


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.

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