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What are you fighting for?

Spinning bikes
On Wednesday mornings I go to a 5:30 am spin class. It kicks my butt and I love it. It is a fight all the way. But I do it.

It’s a fight to get up in the morning, especially if I didn’t get to bed at a decent time or I was up with the kids for whatever reason. It’s fight to get a bike. It is a popular class and a limited amount of bikes. I have to get there a good 20 min early to get on a bike. That’s a good chunk of time when we are talkin the wee hours of the morning. I know, craziness. The instructor pushes us from the moment we start riding until the big hand finally reaches the 6:20 mark. He says “Just because you added resistance doesn’t mean you slow down your pace. You keep moving.” That was good enough for me this morning when I was on my bike to keep me going but I got to thinking (while I my lungs were burning and my legs felt like noodles) “Do I do the same thing in my relationship with Jesus?” Do I fight just as much to keep my relationship going with Him? When life gets hard or busy or I just don’t feel like it. Do I fight to be close to Him, surrendering all to Him? I would like to say yes! of course! But I don’t. The honest truth is sometimes I fight harder to get a good work out in than I do in my relationship with Jesus. I instantly see the results of my physical workout. I’m sweating, it gives me energy, the endorphins are flowing and I’m feeling pretty good when I leave the gym. But I don’t always “see” the results of spending time with God. I don’t always “feel” better when I give my all to Him and surrender my day. Sometimes it is really hard to surrender all, to put Him first, to fight through the resistance.  And so I let it slide at times. The effects quickly show up in my attitude, my choices, my motivations, my thought life. Not pretty.

Reality: I just don’t fight for complete obedience like I do to get a good bike in my spin class. Ugh. That’s some honesty for you.

I don’t want that to be true. I want Him to be what I fight for most. Because He is worth more than anything I can feel or see. He fought for me. He gave His life for me. He gives more than I ask for, He loves, He is eternal.

Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy! Psalm 4:6-7

And so I ask, “What are you fighting for most each day?”



Filed under: life


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Hey Aubrey! Good post. I think about this a lot actually. P90X tells you to “bring it” but we can bring it in a variety of ways! Piper said, “the fight for joy is a fight to see Christ.” And Paul said, “and this one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind” So thanks for the reminder to fight to see Jesus today.

  2. Dave G. says

    Hey Aub, great post!

    1st: I totally miss spinning and haven’t done it since Chico. You inspired me to look into it!

    2nd: As you said in the end of te post, I am so thankful Jesus fought for us! Not only to start the relationship, but to keep us and sustain us all along (John 10 & Romans 1). I find that I believe this intellectually, but it doesn’t always translate practically. I guess…I’m a lot more motivated to fight for the healthy relationship knowing that I don’t have to fight for it to keep going. Grace motivated obedience! (Galatians 3). Great post!

  3. Aub, Great challenging comments for me! I was reading a devotional by Swindoll and he also challenged me by saying, “We seem more interested in managing life into a comfortable existence than in letting God spiritually transform us through life’s hardships.” He then questioned, “Are you seeking to know the depths of God, or are you just skimming the surface?” My response..Ouch, okay I got it. Thanks for sharing and always keep pressing on as He is right beside you.

  4. Thanks Dave for reading and your comment. I appreciate your thoughts. How’s that spin class going:)

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