life as a mom
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I just never thought of it.

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Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a mom. Of course I only saw and imagined the wonderful cute things like dressing your kids in super cute outfits, pushing a stroller, having a little person snuggle right up to you because YOU are their mommy. All those things have happened and I loved it! Better than I even imagined it. But there have been a few surprises along the way. Sometimes I find myself doing/thinking a certain thing and I am just surprised.

  • The amount of things I can accomplish before 8 am.
  • A fully stocked fridge and pantry really does bring joy to my heart.
  • How I can whip out a decent meal when the fridge and pantry are rather empty.
  • How my sweet little babies that I love so much can cause such frustration in my heart at times.
  • The amount of patience that God can give out if I choose to accept it.
  • Cleaning out dirty, nasty trash cans and returning them into sparkling, clean state again brings me such satisfaction.
  • Standing in line at the Post Office with 2 crying girls, several others staring at me, them then back at me. I smile.
  • Helping with homework, responding to a text from husband and answering 17 questions about why we don’t have an upstairs house all while cooking dinner with 4 little “helping” hands is no biggie. Ok, well maybe sometimes. But I do it without a second thought.
  • The number of questions I answer a day is mind boggling. This explains why my brain is mush my 8:30pm.
  • Having uninterrupted bathroom time of any sort is a true luxury.
  • The amount of random items I find in my purse, in the car and under the couch never ceases to amaze me.
  • Being a mom and running a house well is the hardest job I’ve ever had or ever will have.
  • I am desperate for God’s wisdom, strength and guidance each and everyday. Attempting to do it on my own is not an option.

I’m learning not to be surprised where motherhood takes me. I am confident wherever it takes me I am being led by Him and he is not surprised at all. He rejoices with me when items are picked up off the floor during the 7 hours that everyone is sleeping. He gives me strength when all I want to do is crash on that floor I just picked up. He gives me wisdom when I have no idea what to do next. Even though I never thought of certain things in my mom job description he did. Nope he’s not surprised. He just knows. I’m learning to “just know” he’s there in the big things and mundane things. I need him in all things in this great and glorious job of being a mom. Whatever is behind the next door I know I can handle with him.

How about you? Are you surprised ever at the things you do as a mom?

Filed under: life as a mom


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Good Mornin’ girl! LOVE, love, love this post! I smiled through your whole list knowing I could say the same things. How blessed are we? Praise God! Off to feed my wild animals now. 😉 ~ Love from Maine, Amy

  2. SO true. I’m comforted knowing He supplies for me what I daily need. But how hard it is to be surprise, too. Sometimes I wanna know what He’s got in store right then. :) I’m learning to trust and surrender and go with Him. Thanks for such a great post, friend.

  3. Sandy Poe says

    Love your post Aubrey! What a great writer you are and a great Mama, too! God must be so pleased with you and your family!

  4. Mmm.. Seems as if others think you are a very good writer. A big part is you are so honest and transparent and it always comes from the heart. Proud you are our daughter.

  5. I hear you friend! Surprises can be hard but knowing and trusting he’s NOT surprised helps all the more. Love that we are doing this all together!

  6. Thank you, Ami, they are truly beautiful as are you and your heart. Thank you also for the Mother’s Day card. I waetid to open it at 5 this morning. Miss you a lot. It seems to be a contemplative type of day. We pick up Sarah in a few hours. She will be here for about a week. Sweet times. Mom

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