life as a mom
comments 8

freedom in the shadows.

They look, listen, watch, hear, say, do everything their momma does. They take it all in. The good and the bad. Rarely miss a word, action, look, sigh.
And if they do miss something…they ask. Why? What? Who? How? WHY???
And then maybe one more time, just to make sure they got it right.

 I see this whole mimicking act playing out before me all day long and I wonder…
What do my little shadows see in me?
Who…what… am I reflecting to them?
At times I am overwhelmed by the responsibility.
I am attempting to model, mold, point, reflect in a way
that brings them closer to Jesus.

Other times I rest in the truth that I can only do so much.
I am only so responsible for so long.
I will mess up, reflect something far from what Jesus would want or do
and fall back into His grace time and time again.
Even when I am fully trusting in Him and semi have my act together
they will still make mistakes, mess up, get hurt, hurt others and fail.
They are their own people.

I want to take my “shawdow job” seriously. I feel the weight of the responsibility.
But my prayer and where I struggle is using it for His glory and not to control my kids.
Because then they don’t really want to be in my shadow, they just want to get out of it.
Ultimately I pray we experience the freedom found
in being in the shadow of the one who has us both covered.

Filed under: life as a mom


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Hey There Girl! I loved this post and just had to tell you! I so desire to “shadow” our Creator… and then I believe my Mommy things will fall into place pretty nicely. You’re a great woman Aubrey! Thank you for sharing your heart! ~ Blessings from Maine, Amy

  2. Pingback: Share The Wealth: Morning Stories, Tips, Resource Link Up

  3. Wonderful wonderful post!! U are such an inspiration to so many .. especially me;) i loved being a part of your shawdow.. even for just 2 days. Your kiddos are blessed.

  4. Julie Reynolds says

    This is so beautiful!! Oh that we all would want to be a shadow of the ONE who loves us and longs to complete us. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Ames! thank you. Wish I could hug you right now. I appreciate your encouragement. I will always happily accept it!

  6. I’m just catching up on your blog, Aubs, and have to comment on this post. I am nodding and sighing reading it. Love it so much!! xoxo

  7. Thank you Christine! That is so kind of you to say. I really appreciate you and your thoughts:) Made my day!

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