life as a mom
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5 on friday.

Source: via Georgia on Pinterest

The first week of school edition.

5 observations from our first week.

1. This year was WAAAAY easier than last year. There were no tears this year. I wasn’t left crying at the bus stop like last year but waving and smiling proudly as the bus drove away. And I’m not gonna lie, as much as I miss him I was ready for school to begin. It was time. That’s all I will say.

2. It is fun to see how much his confidence has grown in the last year. He knows the school, the procedures, the people and what to expect. Just knowing this stuff goes a long way.

3. Mase is able to answer ALL my questions this year. Last year I could hardly get him to say much in the first few weeks of school. Kind of drove me crazy. I think he was overwhelmed with all the newness and the last thing he wanted to do was come home and answer 5 billion questions from mommy. But not this year! He’s hanging right in there with my questions and even offering info on his own. And I’ve learned, from last year to ease off the questions a bit. He will tell me everything when he’s ready. Patience. Mom. Patience.

4. Coming into this school year I knew I wanted to have a better morning routine. Last year, when we only had 2 mornings a week we could pretty much wing it. But 5 days a week this year, we need our game faces on and be more prepared. It just makes for a better start for both of us. This week we did great. Hoping that continues.

5. Lastly, I can’t help to think what next year will look like when I put all three kids on the bus. I’m sure once again,  I will be a mess at the bus stop as my neighbors awkwardly look at me. Then I will somehow make it back to our house, do the ugly cry and slobber on Brian’s shoulder and beg him not to go to work so I won’t be all alone in house ALL DAY. Ok, well maybe it won’t be that bad. Maybe. But I know it will be hard and different but good too. For now I am choosing to not think about it. It’s more fun to enjoy this special time I have with my girls right now. Which reminds me…I promised we would play princesses.
Gotta go!

Happy weekend friends!


Filed under: life as a mom


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Leah Aubrey says

    Glad everything went well for you. Our school doesn’t start until next Wednesday and, although I am sad, it’s time for Ethan to go back to school. He’s getting bored around the house and has the “I’ve done everything there is to do around here” attitude. Glad your week went good, hoping the same for us!

  2. Congrats on this week’s success Aubrey! We’re beginning our home-schooling next week… keep sharing, you make me smile! ~ Blessings out sister, Amy :)

  3. Oh I know that attitude of “i don’t have anything to do!” Yep, we were there. Hope you have a great first week!

  4. Thanks girl! Well this year I knew I had to keep it together, because next year I will be a complete mess. Trying to play the part “I’ve got it all together” for this year as a pre-emptive strike for next year:)

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