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Just be me.

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As I write this I am so happy. I am so content. I am alone. Thankful for the hours my loving husband gave me to go off and do as I please. After a couple quick, necessary errands that needed to done I found my way to a coffee shop with laptop in hand. I plug in my headphones and block out the rest of the world. Just for these next couple hours I can just be. I can slowly unload all those thoughts that have been piling up in my head. One by one as they are filed away in the proper place I start breathing a little deeper. My head gets clearer and I’m feeling a little more in control of the spinning that tends to happen in my head.

As I get older I’m learning new things about myself. I guess that is a good thing, right? I’m learning that I’m more of an introvert than I thought or more than I wanted to admit before. My husband always told me I was but I wanted to be the fun, extrovert. Life of the party. Maybe I am in the right crowd. But what energizes me more and more is time by myself. Time to think, to process, to dream, to create.

Time to just be me.


It feels good.

Filed under: life


I'm a wife to 1 amazing husband. A mom to 1 little dude and 2 girlie girls. A follower of the ONE who saved me. A daughter to 2 wonderful people. A sister to 1. A friend to many. A runner because that's what I do to keep from not going crazy. And the CEO of this little part of the world we call home.


  1. Bliss! Love time alone – I have found that I am “Selectively Social” and though I ACT like an extrovert (my behavior) my needs are more 1 to 1 or alone.

    This was huge when I learned that!

    Anyway – enjoy and keep asking and seeking! He wants to tell you so much!

    I really appreciated you sweet note! Thanks!

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